I would just like to say that I am so very fortunate to lead a discernment group who actually want to listen to the Lord's voice, and be the voice of the Church.
That being said, the Group of college students that I lead continue to amaze me . . . and support me. Instead of me driving to the college campus this week to hold the meeting, the Group came to the seminary. They joined us for evening Mass and dinner. The college connected to the seminary, along with the parish on campus, hosted a Festival of Praise, to which some of the Group's members were coming to anyway. So, following Mass and dinner, we joined in the P&W with Adoration for the evening. Following the FOP, we went to a local restaurant for dessert and fellowship. Wow. Just, "wow". It was great food and greater conversation. These students know how to connect with the Church, and with each other.
I've noticed, especially through this Group, that there are young people willing to listen to the calling of the Lord to a deeper relationship with Him, even though if they're not positive on where that calling will lead them. They, like many, are open to test the waters of discernment, only if this means that they discover that religious life isn't for them, or that married life is for them, but there's still something deeper to that call. The joy of leading this Group for the past year has allowed me to venture into different avenues of explaining the faith in new - and sometimes quite different - ways.
I've also become more secure in my own discernment through this Group. Their support of me and of my vocation has been an outstanding testimony to know that there are people who support you, who are even excited for your vocation, because, perhaps, they see themselves serving the Church in a similar fashion.
As we enter Holy Week, I pray that they - and all of us, for that matter - take the time to reflect on the selfless offering of Christ's love exampled to us by His death on the Cross. I look forward to entering the Paschal Mystery in a deeper, more reflective mode. I want to enter it for those I lead - and for those I will one day lead, God-willing.
We adore You, O Christ, and we praise You . . . for by Your holy Cross, You have redeemed the world.
Enjoy the journey . . .
04 April 2009
01 April 2009
I really don't have that much to say, but felt that I needed to post something . . .
This week has been good so far, and I'm excited that we're getting closer to Easter Break. I'm looking forward to being back at my assignment parish for the final time (officially) before ordination and I get a new assignment. Life has been good, and I'm glad for that.
I made up my mind tonight to go to iPraise, a weekly event that is held on the college campus here. I don't ever really decide to not go, but by the time it rolls around, I often forget. But not tonight. And I'm glad that I went. I needed that time to just sit and be. (Well, I stood the whole time, but you get the point.) It was an awesome experience, and I'm glad I set aside that time. With papers, projects, assignments and exams looming in the not-too-distant-future, I needed that hour outside the set time of community prayer to regroup and re-energize myself. (Not that I don't do this on a regular basis, but iPraise helps me regroup in a different way . . .) I feel calm once again, and ready to finish the week of classes tomorrow.
I just want Break to be here, so that I can be in the parish again. I really miss it. That's where I belong. Ultimately. Right now, I need to be where God has me.
Enjoy the journey . . . .

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