Homily for the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord
25 March 2014
25 March 2014
brothers and sisters, quite often we hear on this particular feast or with
these particular readings about the “yes” of Mary. And while the response of
her who was full of grace is completely integral to the story and unfolding of
Salvation History, we cannot forget the title of today’s celebration: The Annunciation.
we so often are told that we should respond to the Lord’s will just like Mary
did, we forget that we often must also be like Gabriel, and announce the Good
News that our God “was made flesh and dwelt among us.” We have the
responsibility through our Baptism to announce to the world the presence of our
God here in our midst. We, like Gabriel, must become agents of evangelization.
may seem like an overwhelming task at first, but when we look at the example
Gabriel gives to us in today’s Gospel, it’s really not that difficult.
One: Be open to the will of God. Yes,
just like Mary, Gabriel, too, had to say “yes” to fulfilling God’s will. It is
only when we are open to whatever God is asking of us can we then go out to evangelize
to our environments, tell the story of salvation, and invite others to enter
into a deeper relationship with God.
Two: Meet people where they are at. Some
people are close to God, while others are at least a million miles away.
Wherever they are at on their journey, that’s where we begin with them; that’s
where we begin to walk with them.
Three: Tell the Good News. Telling
the people the story, the Good News, of Who Jesus is and how He continues to
dwell among us, we invite them to encounter our God who wants nothing more than
for us to get to know Him. The more we tell the story, the more we share the
Good News, the more we evangelize by our lives (not just our words), the more
alive and personal that encounter with Jesus Christ will be with those to whom
we share the Gospel.
Four: Allow the people time to respond.
Give the people you talk to time to respond to the Good News. Gabriel allowed
Mary time to sit with the news he delivered, and time for her to respond. So
must we allow people to come to understand what we’ve shared with them, but
they also need to time to respond to Christ’s quiet knocking on the doors of
their hearts. No good ever came from rushed evangelization.
we follow these easy steps, then Step Five: Send
them out to tell the Good News, will be one that they will want to do
themselves. They may be cautious and a little anxious, as Mary probably was of
informing Joseph that she was to be the Mother of the Son of God, but the joy
of knowing and spreading the Gospel will help alleviate any concerns that they
– or we – may have.
we celebrate the beginning of the Mystery of the Incarnation this day, we must
reaffirm our Baptismal calling to preach the Gospel at all times. But we must
also reaffirm to allow ourselves to daily encounter Christ. This celebration of
the Eucharist begins our encounter with Christ this day; and though it is the
greatest encounter, it should not be our only one.
brothers and sisters, say “yes” to the Lord by sharing the Good News. Say “yes”
to the Lord by sharing Christ with others, for our God has been made flesh and
dwells among us.
Enjoy the journey . . .