25 July 2009

It's been a while . . .

I know . . . I apologize.

Becoming a deacon and entering into parish ministry on this level has been an awesome experience. I cannot believe the joy I feel from simply being around the people of God. This is something that I felt prior to entering the seminary while working in the parish, and in my summer parish experiences . . . but it feels different this year. Probably because I have the opportunity to do things that I never could have before as a member of the laity. Not to say that I didn't find joy during those years -- this is simply a different type of joy.

One of the biggest thrills I get is the ability to preach at Mass. It's wonderful, yet awesome, yet sometimes terrifying feeling to know that the Lord is using me to speak to His people . . . to open the Scriptures up and teach the assembly of the will of God. The Holy Spirit has been working overtime with me. While I sit and prepare my homilies for the weekend Masses (when I do preach), daily Masses are often unscripted. And while I have had a number of people say that they have enjoyed my homilies, I'm still waiting for the one to say that they didn't. I know that day will come, and part of me would like to have it sooner than later.

One of my other "peak moments" came recently in the airport in Lima, Peru, while waiting to board a plane back to the United States. One of my brother seminarians purchased a wall Rosary as a remembrance of his time in Peru, and he asked me to bless it. To be able to do that for a brother was a real honor . . . and a real blessing for me. It was, truthfully, a humbling moment. Again, to be God's instrument in such a fashion is quite a remarkable thought - and I'm really getting use to that.

All-in-all, I've had an awesome time as a deacon. Everything is preparing me for the "big" ordination next year. I can only hope that I continue to take these experiences, and, like Mary, ponder them in my heart, so that I can make this year truly a time to prepare to become a priest of Jesus Christ.

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