14 April 2013

For You, a Walking Stick

A parishioner called me up a few weeks ago and told me she had something for me. Thinking it was something like a religious medal or prayer card, I said "Okay", and really didn't think anything more of it. (It was right before the insanity of Holy Week, Triduum, Easter and such.)

Last night following the 6:00 PM Mass, she was waiting for me outside of the church as I was greeting people, and she handed me this home-made walking stick, which was crafted by her husband. I NEVER expected that! I finished greeting the people with walking stick in hand, with a number of people commenting on how striking it was. Some people asked if I was waiting to lead my sheep.

Another surprise gift. I know that this will come in handy at some point. Thanks to KT and her husband for the awesome present!
Enjoy the journey . . . 

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