23 October 2009

Flying time

Time has been flying . . . We're a few days to T-8 months until priesthood ordinations -- God willing.

A big portion of my time recently has been split between school / school work and parish / parish life. I can feel the pull of being (back) in the parish full-time: it's something I love, and has been a part of me for many years. I'm enjoying my time at the parish, overall. Yes, there have been some challenges and decisions made in which I didn't fully agree with. However, I'm there to learn (through active and passive participation), and I feel that I am learning.

Things here at the seminary are going well. I have let go of many of the responsibilities that I have held here over the past few years. I needed to let them go, and better I do it now while I am around to answer questions than leave the poor guys grasping for answers. I still play a small parts around here, but am glad for learning how to let go . . . even though part of me would still like to be doing more.

I've begun to see a change in myself. Most of the time I believe this to be a good thing, but sometimes not. I guess I'm noticing myself in a different light: Life as an ordained man changes you - not completely . . . but I guess I'm taking some things more seriously (as I should), and allowing the things that would completely bug me to simply go to the side. (Not everything that bugs me, however. I've been holding on to some frustrations that I know I need to cool down, but every time I encounter them, I just become frustrated again. Patience is a virtue!) But no matter how I view them, I know that I am changing. I'm not the man who I was when I entered the seminary, nor am I the man who I was just prior to ordination. And while, for the most part, I am who I always have been, I continue to change as I continue to configure my life to that of Christ's. It's not always an easy thing to do, but it's what I'm called to do.

Well, I need to finish a few things to prepare to go to the parish in the morning.

Enjoy the journey . . .

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