14 November 2013

With Open Hands

To be honest, I had strongly considered the above title when I was thinking up a name for this blog. Three reasons:

1. It is the title of the book by Henri Nouwen, an author who has made a significant impact on my spiritual life;

2. It is the title of a song by Marty Haugen, the lyrics which I have prayed in order to calm myself down from time to time; and

3. It is an awesome image just to sit an to meditate upon.

That being said, it's reason number two which draws me here tonight. Whether you like his music or not is not my concern. We all have pieces of music, works of art or compositions of literature which help us throughout our lives, especially in those difficult and frustrating times. Some people will appreciate one's taste, others will not. The point is, as we continue to reach out to the Lord in the moments of trial (be they big or small), we use those things which draw us out of ourselves into the ever-present Heart of God.

This week has been a difficult and stressful week for me - professionally and personally. (And continues to become more stressful by the minute.) This has become an opportunity in my life to reconnect with these lyrics and that imagery that allow me to be assured of the peace and presence of Christ in all situations. The idea of opening our hands and allowing our Lord to take whatever is in them is rather comforting and consoling. It is an image in which I have found much solace in. And it is also an image which beckons me further into trusting in the Lord with reckless abandon.

The lyrics of this song help me to be assured of the presence of Christ. The lyrics of this song soothe the worries, anxieties, fears, frustrations, and stress that come from living both a normal, human life and that of a life of a disciple of Christ.

I'd like to share those lyrics with you now.

With open hands we reach to You,
our hearts await to be made new,
Peace, like the empty skies above us, shining with light;
Prayers, like our incense, rise to greet You, Day in our night.

All we know now will pass away,
and Love alone will ever stay,
Now, we behold Your grace reflected, darkened and dim;
Then, we'll see face-to-face Your glory waiting within.

So now we seek to understand,
to grasp the Truth with empty hands,
Here, we surrender all, as children, quietly trust;
Now, be our All-in-All forever 'til we are dust.

With open hands we greet You here,
our hearts await Your drawing near,
Peace, like the empty skies above us, shining with light;
Prayers, like our incense, rise to greet You, Day in our night.

And going through some materials from a day of reflection I gave a number of years ago, I found this excerpt from the book by Henri Nouwen (page 16):

 When you want to pray, then, the first question is: How do I open my closed hands? Certainly not by violence. Nor by a forced decision. Perhaps you can find your way to prayer by carefully listening to the words the angel spoke to Zechariah, Mary, the shepherds, and the women at the tomb: "Don't be afraid." Don't be afraid of the One who wants to enter your most intimate space and invite you to let go of what you are clinging to so anxiously. Don't be afraid to show the clammy coin which will buy so little anyway. Don't be afraid to offer your hate, bitterness and disappointment to the One who is love and only love. Even if you know you have little to show, don't be afraid to let it be seen.

Of course, this brings me back to my favorite passage of Sacred Scripture - Philippians 4:4-9:

 Rejoice in the Lord always. I shall say it again: rejoice! Your kindness should be known to all. The Lord is near. Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Keep on doing what you have learned and received and heard and seen in me. Then the God of peace will be with you.

But we really can only do that when we unclench our fists and let God take what it is that we want to hold on to, what we want to control.  

It's not easy to do, but it's necessary.

Enjoy the journey . . .

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