DAG! It's hard to believe that this is the final day of February. Where has the time gone to? There's been a lot going on, and some of it I've wanted to post about over the last few days. Fortunately, ministry has kept me going from last Wednesday on . . .
Wednesday was a crazy, yet important day in the life of our parish. Bishop George Murry of the Diocese of Youngstown visited us and confirmed 85 students in their faith. But before we got to the actual celebration of the sacrament, the day was a blessed marathon: parish Mass, Mass at one of the local high school, staff meeting, and anointing at the local hospice. Following the conferral of the Sacrament, there was, of course, a reception. It was a wonderful time. It was a good day.
The day actually made me think of the day I received my Confirmation. It's hard to believe that I was where they were almost 20 years ago. Sometimes it seems like it really wasn't that long ago, but time flies when you're having fun. [Hmmm . . . I guess I am having a little bit of fun in my life. :)] The Spirit seems to continue to surprise me - and keep me young at heart!
Thursday wasn't too bad of a day: parish Mass, lunch with my spiritual director, Mass at one of the local nursing homes, and vigil at the funeral home for one of our parishioners who had passed away. Also on that day, I made to a visit to a new coffee shop that opened in the area a few months ago - and within walking distance of the church! I placed a request with the managers to hold a Bible study Saturday mornings there for young adults of the parish. They said that they had to talk to the owners, and that they would get back to me.
Friday saw me spending the almost the entire day away from the parish. I spent a good bit of the day at the high school where I'm chaplain for the Junior Retreat - which was awesome. Since it was our day to be on hospital duty, and since the hospital we visit is on the way back to the parish from the high school, I stopped and visited those people that the chaplain asked me to visit. As I was leaving, I received news from one of the youth ministers that a situation in which we were involved that had calmed down for a bit was now flaring up again. My brief time back at the parish was spent in dealing with some of the fallout. I was so happy when I got to IGNITE, a night of praise and worship with Eucharistic adoration - though I did not get a big chance to join in, since I was hearing confessions for a majority of the event (which, for me, was part of the healing I think I needed). A few of us went to Applebee's following, and took the time to relax in Christian fellowship, which was much needed and welcomed.
Saturday found me celebrating the morning Mass for the parish, followed by our normally-scheduled Confessions at noon. I had promised one of the seminarians who is (God willing!) moving on to theology in the Fall that I would help him pick out some clerical attire. So we headed out early that afternoon, and he picked out a few items. (Reminded me of the first time I had to do such things. Oh, the memories!) We then proceeded to grab some lunch. Since the pastor had the evening (vigil) Mass, I laid down for a bit until I was needed after Mass. During that time, however, I received a call from the daughter of a gentleman I anointed about 1.5 months ago - his health was deteriorating rapidly, and they asked if I could come and pray with them for him. That was an honor. I ended up spending about 1.5 - 2 hours with the family, praying with them and allowing them to tell me their stories. It was a wonderful time. When I got back, the pastor and I headed out for a brief dinner.
Thank goodness I was able to sleep in a little on Sunday! I had the 10:00 AM Mass, as well as the 12:15 PM, which I hadn't celebrated in over a month due to varying schedules. It was good not to have the 8:00 AM! Following my two Masses, I drove the pastor to the airport so he could begin his vacation . . . I returned, and we began our youth ministry meeting, which ended up in the church. We had a wonderful discussion! It was a very good session! Following that, I met up with my diopitt classmate for a quick cup of coffee and discussion.
Today has found me planning some youth ministry events, being proxy for an exam, meeting with some parishioners, and - the high point - finding out that the coffee shop has given permission for me to go ahead with the Bible study on Saturday mornings! We'll be beginning that on Saturday, March 19th, following our parish mission earlier in the week.
And now, I go to shut down the month of February and prepare for the month of March - after I do some prayers . . .
Enjoy the journey . . .
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