Turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel.
Remember, man, you are dust and to dust you will return.
Lent 2011 has begun. And these words above call each one of us to heed the call to repentance and conversion. It is so important for us to remember that what this season of Lent calls us to: repentance and conversion. And while the this season is one of the most somber, subdued and introspective throughout the Church's calendar, this does not mean that it is also the most "depressing" of the liturgical year.
Rather, this season in which we sacrifice to become more like Christ is a joyful season of hope in the promise of the Resurrection which we will celebrate in some 40 days at Easter. The Preface for Lent I reminds of this when we pray:
Each year you give us this joyful season
when we prepare to celebrate the paschal mystery
with mind and heart renewed.
You give us a spirit of loving reverence for you, our Father,
and of willing service to our neighbor.
As we recall the great events that gave us new life in Christ,
you bring the image of your Son to perfection within us.
We enter into this Lenten journey fully aware of our sinfulness; yet we prepare with joyful hope to celebrate those central acts of our faith in which Christ has given us new life. It is through this "joyful hope", then, that we put into action the three-fold action of Lent: prayer, fasting and almsgiving (works of charity). It is through the interconnectedness of prayer, fasting and almsgiving which we come to not only appreciate the sacrifices Christ endured, but also for the sacrifices which we make so to "bring the image of [Christ] to perfection within us".
Father in heaven,
the light of your truth bestows sight
to the darkness of sinful eyes.
May this season of repentance
bring us the blessing of your forgiveness
and the gift of your light.
Grant this through Christ our Lord.
(Alternative Opening Prayer for Ash Wednesday)
Enjoy the journey . . .
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