15 June 2013

Ten Months (and Counting)

I can't believe that it's been ten months today since I started my assignment here at Saint Teresa of Avila Parish. Though it seems like the majority of my time here has been dealing a lot with funerals (and it has), many other opportunities have presented themselves in ways that I could have never imagined.

I feel blessed to have come here. Please don't think that I don't miss the people of Saint Alphonsus - I truly do. That assignment presented me with many wonderful opportunities to enter into the priesthood, and the people there are good people . . . but the Lord has now called me to serve here, and for the last ten months, I've been happy to do so.

This, of course, doesn't mean that I haven't had my moments of challenge here. There have been moments, just like at Saint Alphonsus, where I wanted to pull my hair out. But those times have made me stronger, and have helped me rely on the Lord even more. And I'm grateful for the challenges, for they have helped me grow in my understanding and practice of priestly and pastoral ministry.

It's a good life . . . and hopefully I'll be doing this for many, many more years to come.

Not too deep a thought for this entry, but just needed to acknowledge my gratefulness to God about being here, about having been at Saint Alphonsus, and putting things into right perspective as I begin month eleven.

Enjoy the journey . . .

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