16 October 2013

Taizé Experience

On the evening of Tuesday, 15 October, the parish family of Saint Teresa of Avila celebrated the feast our patron saint with something never done before in our church – Taizé.

Between 200 – 250 people (by my estimation) gathered to sit in contemplation through music and silence, candlelight and shadows, and the reflection on a selection from the writings of this Doctor of the Church . . . to simply “be” with our God.

I was exhausted by the end of the night. Yet those who spoke to me following the service were not only impressed with the Taizé style of prayer, but found it to be something needed not only for their own spiritual benefit, but beneficial for the life of the parish. (And that was good to hear.)

Hopefully, by the people’s response and willingness to do this again, we’ll hold another Taizé in the parish soon. (But not too soon.)

Enjoy the journey . . .


 (Photos 1-5 taken by me; Photos 6-9 taken by John Franko)

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